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6,230 fake shoes, bags seized in Abu Dhabi

"  AbuDhabi "  19th  July 2017 :  Thousands of fake leather products, including shoes and bags under the names of major brands, were seized from an apartment in the Capital. Series of investigations helped the inspectors of the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) locate an apartment that was transformed into a store for counterfeit goods.Inspectors confiscated 6,230 fake shoes, bags and other leather products.Abu Dhabi Business Center acting CEO Mohammed Munif Al Mansouri said such operations are result of regular inspections carried out by the team of inspectors at the ADDED's commercial protection administration, in addition to the consumers' complaints that were received by the Governmental Communication Center of Abu Dhabi.Al Mansouri said confiscations included shoes and bags under name of major brands.Those items were counterfeited for the purpose of sale, which represents a violation of the intellectual property rights of these brands.The department has issued fines against the facilities that have violated the law and regulations of the commercial activity practice in the Capital.Al Mansouri said the fines were also included for carrying out such activities without the needed license or required permission.

Published by Go moneyworld  Team.

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